Fond Memory: When we were little, Mom always used to tuck us into bed at night, read us a story, sing us a song, or simply talk, and then she would always pray for us to have a good night sleep. She did this every single night for many years. Now that we are older and she often is in bed before we are, her tradition has changed to mornings. Most every morning, Mom comes up to our room to make sure that we are awake and she usually stays for 5-10 minutes and just talks or listens to whatever we have to say. It's still a precious tradition and one that we enjoy very much.
Funny Moment: We have always taken long road trips, whether it be to Illinois to visit family or Canada to visit the Yucks. On one such trip when we were very little and Mom and Dad were the only drivers, Dad had been driving for quite a while, it was getting late, and he needed a break. So he pulled into a gas station and he and Mom switched; Mom drove while Dad took a much needed rest. Pretty soon Dad fell asleep. Time passed and Mom started nudging him, waking him up. She too was getting sleepy and needed him to take over. Dad nodded okay, thinking she had probably driven for about an hour, long enough for him to get a little shut eye. He got back in the driver's seat and got back on the road when he suddenly realized that Mom had only been driving for about 10-15 minutes! Needless to say, she never lives that one down!!!
Mom with her brother.

Mom and Jordan...
Happy Birthday Mom! We are so blessed to have you as our mother and our friend. You are a wonderful example to all those around you of what living joy is like. We always know that you will have a kind, encouraging word for us when we are down, or will laugh with us when we have something funny to say. You have always been there for us and we appreciate you more than you will ever know. Praising the Lord for -you-!
Love ya lots, Mom!
"Her children rise up and call her blessed, her husband also, and he praises her: 'Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all.' Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised."
-Proverbs 31:28-30