Dora and Nan just had their babies! We tried holding them over for two extra months before we bred them so that we would have enough milk for winter. It worked great. Dora and Nan each had three which was a first for both of them. They normally have only two each. Nan had three boys: Rio, Baltimore & Troy. Two days later Dora had her three: two boys and A GIRL!!! Their names are Long John, Spot and Elizabeth. (Gram picked out the name Elizabeth from a movie she watched with a cow, so she's kind of "Gram's girl"!) They are all so adorable!
Dora had some difficulties one year giving birth. The baby's leg was stuck so Dad had to help and ever since then we watch her very close when she gets close to kidding. We normally take turns going out twice during the night to check on the mamas, so it was very nice that Dora and Nan had theirs within two days of each other!
(Spot and Baltimore)
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