Wednesday, January 13, 2016

A Trip To Asheville, NC

 On the one year anniversary of when Matthew and I started courting, Matthew surprised me by taking me back up the mountainat at Ridgecrest Conference Center in Asheville, NC, where we met.  He woke me up at 3:00 in the morning and said, "Let's go to Asheville." !!!

Do any of you remember this picture from last year?

Well...this one is from this year!

And we've got the hardware this year!!!

 And it just keeps getting better!

We got to Ridgecrest in time to watch the sunrise up on the mountain.  Unfortunately,  it was very cloudy and foggy so we only saw quick glimpses of the sunrise behind the clouds.  But we stayed up there for about 2 hours and talked, sang, prayed, played the guitar, and took pictures. ;-)

 Our sunrise. ;-)

Enjoying breakfast together...

Matthew had booked us a hotel, so we were able to make it a two day trip.  We spent part of one day traveling up the Blue Ridge Parkway.  It was beautiful.  This was the first time either of us had been on it and it was enough to make us want to go back!

Matthew knows how much I love horses, so he took me horse back riding as well, which was a lot of fun!  Here we are on our rides.

Matthew had a perky horse who liked to have her own way. -chuckle-

There was only one other couple who shared the ride with us, so it was much more personal than other rides I've been on before.  We were able to chat with our guide and get to know her a little bit too, as she explained the unique parts of her job.

We made a drive down to Chimney Rock and hiked most of the trails up there.  The views were amazing.

Up on Chimney Rock...

After hiking at Chimney Rock we traveled down the road to walk around the park by Lake Lure.  Here we are at the Visitor's Center in Lake Lure, NC.
The trip was beautiful and I loved sharing it with my beloved.  It was so special to be able to go back to the place where we first met only last year and relive those special memories!  Matthew is such a sweetheart to think of taking me back there!

1 comment:

  1. Such a lovely way to celebrate the one-year mark... I loved that you wore the same outfit, Kelsey, like a before-and-after! :)

    Y'all have been an inspiration and example ever since I started reading the blog right around a year ago (after NGJ printed part of your story). Ever since then... wow, has it been wonderful to watch the Lord working in your lives! I pray He will continue to richly reward you both for doing things His way.

    Emily ♡
