Monday, June 17, 2013

Church Heritage Day

Recently, our church celebrated it's 6th anniversary, so we decided to do something a little different,
Family Fellowship Heritage Day!
Everyone dressed up as someone from the past.  The only rules were that it had to be a real life person.  Wheels were turning and creativity was flying high! 
Our family!

Mom...a.k.a. Annie Oakley
Dad (alias Paul Revere)
Savannah,...ahem, I mean Molly Pitcher

Noah...the honorable Abraham Lincoln
Honest Abe!

Me...or should I say Missionary Bertha Smith?
Ethan/the famous Francis Scott Key, writer of the Star Spangled Banner

And now for our fun-loving church members, who stepped into the past for the day to bring us a delightful Sunday to remember!
Clara Barton, Cattle Kate, and Preston Brooks

A 49'er, Alvin York, Alvin's sister, and WWII submarine engineer, and confederate soldier, and you'll have to forgive me, but I can't remember the other characters!  Oops!

Annie Oakley, the Statue of Liberty, Florence Nightingale, Mr. Stevens who dressed up as Jim Bob Stevens, a Japenese lady and Texas John Slaughter

Johnny Reb meet Daniel Boone

A scout

A very young 49'er! 

A real-life Ninja, a school teacher, John Newton, Elisabeth Elliot, and Queen Esther
Orville and Wilbur Wright, Davy Crockett, Boaz and Ruth, Abigail Adams and Dolly Madison

The boys

Baby Moses, his Egyptian mother and her sister, Laura, Carrie and Pa Ingalls, and Jackie Kennedy
The whole group!
Some snapshots throughout the day....


At the end of the afternoon we played a few family games which were hilariously funny to watch!  Below are all of us lining up to compete!
Oh the fun!  I'm thinking this might just become an annual tradition!

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